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在家抗疫養膚好時機!mtm labo居家護膚系列

留在家中抗疫的期間,其中一個好處就是趁不用化妝的日子,讓肌膚好好休息一下。mtm labo網店推出針對不同肌膚需要的居家護膚套裝系列,當中的custom-blended nutriment mask更是以全新配方登場貫徹品牌「量膚定制」的概念,即使足不出戶,都能為你做到專屬的定制保養!

mtm labo佳節基礎居家套裝 | $1,830 (總值$3,999)

- custom-blended micro foaming cleanser 157mL

- custom-blended moisturizing toner 170mL

- custom-blended conditioning cream 29g

- custom-blended re-white mask 10g

- custom-blended hydrating mask 10g

- custom-blended lightness mix 4mL

- 養肌按摩儀

mtm labo佳節基礎居家套裝 | $1,830 (總值$3,999)

mtm labo 佳節面膜居家套裝 | $2,140 (總值 $3,515)

- custom-blended hydrating mask 61g

- custom-blended nutriment mask 57g

- custom-blended deep cleansing purimask 10g

- custom-blended harmonious mask 10g

- custom-blended overnight re-boost mask 10g

- 面膜用具套裝 (包括: 面膜碗連吸盤、矽膠面膜掃及面膜匙)

mtm labo 佳節面膜居家套裝 | $2,140 (總值 $3,515)

mtm labo佳節眼膜居家套裝 | $1,880 (總值$3,500)

- custom-blended eye mask 30mL及12對

- custom-blended eye make-up remover 9mL

- custom-blended nutriment eye cream 3g

- custom-blended lightness mix 4mL

- 鉑金明眸按摩棒

mtm labo佳節眼膜居家套裝 | $1,880 (總值$3,500)

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